Friday, March 6, 2015

Time For a New Job!

No, I didn't get fired, not exactly. I've worked for myself since 2006 watching kiddos as a Listed Family Home. I've ooched away from watching babies and toddlers full time and just doing after-school carpool and care for the last year though. The ten grand paycut has sort of sucked, though, and it's time to start getting serious about some more income. Because of the kids, its just not ideal to go work for someone else because the hours are wonky (really, charter school, do the kids HAVE to get out of school at 1 p.m. every Wednesday?!), not to mention having to call in to work every time they get sick. With no formal education, even working full time, afterschool care would severely cut into the profits, and having to purchase summer care for two kids would make me spend MORE than I'd make.

So, I needed another self-employment gig.

I seem to get wrangled into helping certain family members with cleaning, decluttering and organizing on a fairly regular basis, and it's something I take deep satisfaction in doing. I love to see a space uncluttered, functional, clean, beautiful. And I love it when I can be of help to people, so I decided to put an ad out offering my services as a personal organizing assistant.

Today I got a bite, and we have set up an appointment for this weekend. I very much look forward to helping this nice lady get settled into her apartment and make it seem more like home for her. I think I will also offer services to the elderly for grocery shopping, light cleaning, transportation and housework. Things are looking up!

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